25 August 2005


A few things have been swishing around in my head the past couple of days.

First thing is the audacity of our honorable president to allow Pat Robertson to say anything he wants to anyone that will listen yet Bush denies a citizen (who may have voted for him) the same courtesy that he gives an over-idolized jock accused of drug use. (Read: why lance but not sheehan?). I guess we can just chalk that up to another question that may not get answered during this administration.

Second: a dinner conversation with friends on Tuesday revealed just how close complacency and passivity are to me. In fact, they reside in one person that was sitting right nest to me at the table. And if they are at MY table, chances are they are in higher concentration at other dinner tables across the country. Example of dinner conversation:
Complacent Passivist (C.P.): I hate that I have to work so hard for people to just sit on their asses and collect welfare checks.
Me: You have no problem working hard to buy all of those coporate made items in your overly-decorated house to make the right wing pundits richer. Which, by the way, create a system to provide less opportunities for children in those "lazy" welfare homes and prevents them from ever crossing to the other side of the poverty line.
C.P.: I came from a home without any money and made something of my life. They have the same opportunity i do/did.
Me: Yes they do ... after perhaps a restructuring of their DNA so that their skin color is lighter and they grow a penis.

It should go without saying that we finally agreed to disagree on this one. (and C.P.'s feeling on why we no longer need Social Security b/c we should all be smart enough to have retirement plans). But it still pisses me off that some poeple never stop to think about where their money goes as long as they are the only ones or at least in the majority of the ones benifitting from it.

Three: i decided to call the dude from a recent blog - and i don't know why. Sounds like a confession. I think it's a theme in dating: We are told our entire childhood that we should grow up and fall in love. Yet in our adult life we are conditioned to think that there is strength in being single (clinically referred to as rationalization). Yeah ... so i called him because, along with high fructose corn syrup, I have sworn off of rationalization as a tool to make myself feel more normal. And for the record, he returned my call with an email and another: "I feel like we need to talk a bit more - things were left kind of weird between us & I am not really comfortable with that." Wierd? David Arquette is WIERD! I could think of so many other adjectives for the way we "left" things. Oh and don't even get me started with that comfortable bullshit!

I have a fourth item swishing around in here, but I think I can let it ferment a bit longer.