24 January 2006

without even knowing.

Cue the fan fare, I'm back to blogging. And as I look at my previous [posting] history, I'm right on schedule. Unintentionally, I seem to take some time off around the transition from one year to the next. So... in true "creature of habit" nature, I'm back.

And I'm pissed.

I'm pissed that I have let many of my actions of the past four months go unchecked. I feel like the executive branch that has let my judicial branch take hiatus. Let me list the things of which I carry shame:

1. The T.V. is still in my bedroom; I have not read a book in months.

2. I'm taking my sweet ass time getting back on the runnning schedule. Truth be told, I'm carrying around about 8 lbs. of holiday weight. >>looks for running shoes<<

3. For the third straight election, I voted for the good guy and lost. (see: Mayor Byron Brown of Buffalo). And did I say I risked my reputation: I FUCKING VOTED FOR A REPUBLICAN. But I stand by my choice, and this city will soon enough see that we could use a business man and not a civil rights issue-monger.

and most recently... >takes a deep breath<

4. Last Wednesday, I sat on my couch with my jaw in my lap as I witnessed Fox's guilty pleasure of the month alientate a young man for wearing women's clothing (albeit a tame swoop neck T and a pair of jeans similar to those found in any male punkrock star's closet).
I was hurt, but knowing that I take most things defaming of the GLBT community personally, I shared my concern with a few friends and resolved to let it be T.V. and limit further support of all things Idol until some sort of penance was made... which is to say: no more Idol for Brian.
So this morning, because I have Sirius only in my car, I was forced to listen to bigot/terrestrial radio while in the shower. My choice: The Shred and Reagan Show on 103.3 The Edge. Their report on the Idol hate-crime and the ensuing public statement from GLAAD(not this GLADD)was mortifying. Although they did not report the exact contents of the statement, the duo proceeded to exclaim that "the Gays" would do 'anything to get noticed' and that "the Gays" need to relax and 'take a joke'.
Imagine me naked and soapy.
[your welcome]
Now, imagine me naked, soapy, and screaming at the radio.
I'll never understand why a large percentage of this American population has adopted the "I have no problem with the gays" attitude. These bigots have the unstated understanding that the "no problem" stance justifiably opens up doors for them to insult and discriminate on the backhand; in most cases the "no problems" caveat makes these statements and actions of hatred far more damaging than when they're made by someone who flat out admits to bigotry and Hetero-dominance (I don't even think a hyperlink is needed here).
So there I am, still naked but a bit less soapy, sounding off like George W. Bush on September 12, 2001: "If you're not with us, you're against us."

New Rule
: It is never justified to make ignorant statements preambled by the proclomation that you are okay with "The Gays". If you are to actually be okay with the Gays, you must be accepting and supportive of all aspects of queer life or you will be but a speed bump on the speedway to equality. If you are actually to be okay with the Gays, you shouldn't have to caveat your insolence. If you are to actually be okay with the Gays, you should be okay with them being as noticable and vocal as you are. And if you are to actually be okay with the Gays, you should be just as appaled by the way American Idol [stereotupically and hatefully] protrayed a youth who may or may not be a member of the [GLBT] human family.