09 May 2006

the killer.

Date conversation that will not result in a second date:

I've only ever killed three people.

Before you pass judgement on me, and you will pass judgement on me, let me get a few things out in the open. Let's just say I'm evening the playing field:
1. You eat meat. In a fair world meat eaters should be called what they truly are: killers. Whether or not they died at your hands, the cattle that will eventually make it's way to your backyard BBQ in the form of ground chuck was, at one time, a living breathing mamal -- A mamal that was slaughtered for your enjoyment. See? Killing for enjoyment. In my opinion, you're already way lower on the moral aptitude scale than I, but I am getting ahead of myself.
2. Those shoes? What are those shoes made of? Skin. They are made of skin. Can't say that I am wearing the epidermis of any of my victims on my feet. And don't try to feed me the line about leathers' being the by-product of your meat eating follies, because I refuse to get into the whole "chicken or the egg" debate as it relates to murder.
3. Unless you're one of the recently converted Anti-Bush constituants, you probably supported efforts to find weapons of mass distruction. The truth here is that until a few weeks ago 78% of this country "approved" the way Bush et. al. were doing things. It's a shot in the dark, but I'll take my chances on saying that a good you are/were in that majority. Relating this to murder: guilty by association, my friend. Unless you are blind, Catholic, or a blind faith Catholic, you should have been noticing the death occurring in our names; Well, at least the names of the Bush/War supporters. I say this makes you a murderer.

I could go on.

But the fact here is that I've only ever killed three people.

And the
good news is that only one is sueing me.