15 September 2005

not missing a thing

I have formed the new habit of watching TV in bed.

Before I am judged for allowing Satan into my boudoir, let me explain why this has been allowed.

Until about two weeks ago I lived alone and being that i own only one television, the box was found in the living room. Now that my roommate has a splendid new flatscreen HD box, it is in the living room and my faithful box has found a new home at the foot of my bed.

As a general rule, I'm not a big TV guy. Sure, I like football and Desperate Housewives, but I limit myself to about 4 hours a week. However, having the beast in my room FORCES me to flip channels until i fall asleep. And, as I am an insomniac and infomercial-phyle, the flipping sometimes continues into the wee hours of the morning.

The point is, in the year since I've last bedded down with a tv, not much has changed except for the increased visibility of pseudo-democrats on MSNBC and FOX. Prior to Katrina I remember tuning straight to HBO or Comedy Central to meet my liberal needs, tuning to FOX and MSNBC only to "keep thine enemies closer". Now I'm a realist so I realize the networks are just paying lipservice to the neglect that resulted in the situation on the gulf. But nonetheless (cast in whatever light) it's alway nice to see family on tv. (See: the time i was filmed walking out of the library for a piece on the local news.)

And since I seem to be taking an inventory of lessons learned in my past relationships, I prefer hitting the hay with pseudo-liberals rather than the three or four gay conservatives that, for the past year, have filled the void where a TV should have been.